Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Bear Pelt Guide — Here's What To Do With It

Red Dead Redemption 2 features a whole bunch of activities ranging from story missions to bounties, but chances are pretty good you’ll be hunting for a good chunk of your time with the agmeCome from Sports betting site VPbet. Tracking and killing animals keeps you and your gang fed and earns you crafting materials, as well as goods to sell to make money to get Arthur better equipment. There is more to hunting than just that, however–the best hunting targets are the various Legendary Animals scattered around the map, whose pelts yield unique rewards–if you’re canny enough to bring them down.

In Chapter 2, you’ll be introduced to your first Legendary Animal in a story mission with Hosea, in which he and Arthur set out to hunt a huge grizzly bear. You can return to the hunt later if you’re so inclined, but it’s possible to take the bear on your first encounter with it, if you’re skilled (or more likely, lucky). If you manage to kill and skin the big grizzly, you’ll get a Legendary Bear Pelt, a unique item in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 that can be used to make special new gear.

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